What is Platinum PRP?

Platinum PRP is a treatment where we combine Collagen Induction Therapy, also popularized as micro needling, and injecting Platelet Rich Plasma into the focused area.

What is Collagen Induction Therapy?
Collagen Induction Therapy is done in the office by me, a registered nurse, using the FDA approved, SkinPen Precision tool.

What is SkinPen?

This tool has 14 precision medical grade needles with no hooks or varying lengths to tear the skin. Around 98,000 micro channels are created per minute.

What are the benefits of running these needles along your face?
By creating controlled damage to your skin with the micro needles, the body is triggered and begins its incredible ability to restore “damaged skin” by rebuilding and filling in the deep scars with collagen, elastin and fibrin.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma?

In simple terms; Platelet Rich Plasma is a concentration of blood that is crucial to wound healing. Platelets release growth factors, also known as Cytokines.

Cytokines stimulate cell growth and function, triggering cells to produce collagen, the basic building block of skin.

By injecting growth factors into the skin, this expedites the body's natural repair process. In conclusion, PRP stimulates new collagen and elastin resulting in firmer, smoother skin.

BTW: Collagen growth can take anywhere from four to 12 weeks to complete, so be patient during your treatment. Your cells are working even when you don’t think they are!

What can PRP with Collagen Induction Therapy help with?

A whole bunch of things!

This is my most requested treatment, due to its natural approach, along with the safety of having no allergic reactions and complications, since we are using the patients own blood cells.

Platinum PRP: PRP and Collagen Induction Therapy can help;
+ Smoothen acne scars & stretch marks
+ Improves hyperpigmentation, sun damage & melasma.
+ Minimizes pore size
+ Increases collagen production
+ Restores overall skin quality and improves dullness
+ Stimulates hair growth

See one of my patients results to find out if this treatment is for you!

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